This description may be completely modified. You can use here all html tags like: bold text,
underline, italics and much more. If you're wondering what is possible check out this link.
"The HTML blockquote Element (or HTML Block Quotation Element) indicates that the enclosed text is
an extended quotation. Usually, this is rendered visually by indentation (see Notes for how to
change it). A URL for the source of the quotation may be given using the cite attribute, while a
text representation of the source can be given using the cite element."
Point floor to teleport or use joystick to move around the space.
Click and drag to turn in any direction.
Click on any artwork to navigate directly to it.
Click on upper info icon to learn more about featured object.
Use the floor pointer or WASD keys to move around the space.
Click and drag the mouse to turn in any direction.